20130602 玩轉18區著數任你取 @ 香港旺角西洋菜街

Total number of Photo(s): 227

日期: 2/6/2013
活動: 玩轉18區著數任你取
嘉賓: 黃榕 Gloria / 林雅詩 Grace / 張苡澂 Venus / 張小慧 ShellZee Zhu / 施熙瑜 / 蔡樂婷 Martina / 梁皓婷 Shadow / 伍淑怡 Yoyo / 吳美琪 Miki / 洪安琪 Angel / 冼思瑩 Bianca / 謝雅櫻 Inky
時間: 14:00
地點: 旺角西洋菜街百老匯戲院附近

Copyright © Starsupporta. All Rights Reserved. Belongs to SAFACURA
Request original photo(s) without watermark and reduced quality,or want to have any enquiry, please contact harmonouniversa@hotmail.com.hk