20201003 創典偶像練習生•才藝大比併《Kick off》@ 香港旺角朗豪坊正門

Total number of Photo(s): 179

日期: 3/10/2020
活動: 創典偶像練習生•才藝大比併《Kick off》
嘉賓: 雷深如 J.Arie / 蘇慧恩 Ophelia / Hedy Yuen / 練樂儀 / Canband / Edward Lau
時間: 13:00-16:00
地點: Respect Stage Music Truck - 魔音號(朗豪坊正門)

Copyright © Starsupporta. All Rights Reserved. Belongs to SAFACURA
Request original photo(s) without watermark and reduced quality,or want to have any enquiry, please contact harmonouniversa@hotmail.com.hk