20210507 Kerryta Chau #心野 x Calzedonia #Swimwear #Beachwear #Bikini 2021 @ Flash mob truck event @ 香港尖沙咀海防道

Total number of Photo(s): 69

20210507 @kerrytachau #心野 x @calzedonia #Swimsuit #bikini @ Flash mob truck event @ 香港尖沙咀海防道

[I am so desperate. Why wait when I already knew what I want?]says Kerryta.
Following the break up of Dusty Bottle, the group s lead vocalist Kerryta continues to pursue her career as a soloist. Introducing her first solo singe [Desperate]. Kerryta is adamant and is not going to be distracted byanyone. Hidden underneath that cool visage lays genuine honesty. Just as described in [Desperate], so what if it is [chaotic and risky], you are the one I am desperate for.

Kerryta:[我就是心野,既然看上眼為何還要等?] 樂隊Dusty Bottle 解散後,主音 Kerryta 以個人歌手身份繼續追尋自己的音樂道路,推出首支個人主打作品[心野]。Kerryta 態度堅定不易受人左右,冷豔的面孔之下藏著一顆率真坦白的心,正正就如[心野]所說,哪怕[跳入混亂冒險一些],就是你讓我心野想進攻。


Calzedonia Catwalk Show


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